Shipping Container Artist Retreat - Tan Thanh Container

Shipping Container Artist Retreat

farCove Park là dãy nhà dành cho tất cả các nghệ sĩ về hưu. Dãy nhà này nằm trên bờ biển phía tây của Scotland và dãy nhà này được làm từ những container. Diện tích của dãy nhà này dài hơn 50 mẫu Anh với địa hình đẹp, tự nhiên với lớp cỏ phía trên mái nhà và xung quanh làm cho khu vực này rất miền quê.

extThe Cove Park retreat was developed by the architecture firm Urban Space Management, and consists of 9 units equipped to provide a cozy, peaceful place in which artists can work. The whole complex was completed in only 6 days, due to the ease of using shipping containers as the main building material. One side of each container was replaced by large sliding doors, which provide awesome views of the lake Loch Long, as well as let plenty of natural daylight into the homes. The first three units were built in 2002 and due to their success, six more were added later.

viewThe original three units were welded together in a line in front of a small pond. Each of the shipping container units also has its own private deck, while the original loading doors of the containers were used to separate them off and offer the occupants some privacy. The units also have several porthole windows dotting the sides, which let in even more light, as well as give the units a more homely appearance. There is also a separate communal area with a domed ceiling, where artists in residence can interact.

communalInside, the units are simply and functionally decorated. There is a large living area with a sofa and comfortable workspace, while the units also have ensuite bathrooms. Space in the retreat is awarded based on a residency program, so it is, unfortunately impossible to rent any of them. All in all, however, it is a great, eco-friendly place to work and create and I’m sure the natural environment has inspired many a masterpiece to date.


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